Howard Gardner views intelligence as multiple abilities that come in packages.
- Savant Syndrome- is a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation of drawing.
- Gardner's Eight Intelligences- Logical/Mathematical, Verbal/Linguistics, Interpersonal Skills, Intrapersonal Skills, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Visual/ Spatial, Naturalistic, Existential.
If the
Friends characters had savant syndrome they would fall into this category of the eight intelligences:
- Joey- Intrapersonal Skills, because he is an actor and they are supposed to excel in this intelligence.
- Phoebe- Musical, because she is a musician and they are supposed to excel in the level.
- Rachel- Visual/Spatial, because she is into fashion and this level contains artists and fashion is a type of art.
- Ross- Existential, because he is into history and coming up with new philosophies and this level is dominated by philosophers.
- Chandler- Logical/Mathematical, because his first career was in data processing and this level is excelled by engineers and careers with math.
- Monica- Visual/Spatial, because cooking is a form of art.
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