Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ross & Phoebe Argue about Evolution

These series of clips show Ross and Phoebe arguing about the truth of evolution in the episode "The One Where Heckles Dies." Ross is a paleontologist, so he strongly believes in evolution and Phoebe definitely has her own free-spirited opinion on the creation of the world. I'm going to look at both Ross's and Phoebe's Biopsychosocial approach to the situation.

  • Biological Influences:
    • Ross
      • Ross as a male has a drive to have the upper hand so he continues to pursue Phoebe on the truth of evolution. Also, the idea that Phoebe doesn't believe in evolution makes it difficult for Ross to drop the subject. The idea drives him crazy, he can't get it out of his mind. It's one of the only things his brain can focus on.
    • Phoebe
      • Phoebe as a female doesn't like it when a man thinks he has to be right. Her brain is a lot less restricted than Ross's so she is able to consider multiple sides of an idea rather then just focus on one. 
  • Psychological Influences:
    • Ross
      • Ross's reasoning behind his beliefs are formed by hard facts. He believes in ideas that have been tested or proven and that are usually the popular opinion. Evolution is  associated with his occupation so he feels even stronger about his opinion and he doesn't accept other ideas.
    • Phoebe
      • Phoebe's reasoning behind her beliefs are formed from her experiences and thoughts. She questions facts and comes up with her own theories for issues and she doesn't believe everything she hears. Phoebe knows that her opinion might not be the popular idea but she doesn't conform to others.
  • Social- Cultural Influences:
    • Ross
      • Ross debates Phoebe on the subject of evolution because she challenges him in front of their friends. Since evolution has to do with his career he feels he needs to win the argument so he doesn't seem weak to his friends. Ross also feels that as a scientist he needs to get Phoebe on his side and as a scientist it would be embarrassing not to be able to convince someone of the truth behind evolution.
    • Phoebe
      • Phoebe believes that people should be able to have their own theory on things and shouldn't have to conform so she challenges Ross because he is so determined to be right and won't give up. Phoebe never had any expectations growing up because she was on her own, so the presence of her peers doesn't stop her from being herself and saying what's on her mind.

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