These clips show Joey working on the an entertainment unit for Chandler and his apartment. Some challenges arise in the process and I will be looking at what part of the joey's brain, specifically the cerebrum lobes, was working through them. The big problem is that Joey made the entertainment unit to big for the space he had. Also, he wants to put new tile in for Monica but finds out it will be more difficult then he first thought.
- In Joey's frontal lobe his reasoning and problem solving abilities didn't fully comprehend what problems he could have had
- Joey didn't think about the tile being glued and should have checked a tile in the corner of the bathroom and not from the center of the room.
- He also, didn't think about the fact that it might be a bad idea to drill a hole in the wall before informing Chandler because Chandler was in his room and a foot away from where Joey was drilling.
- In Joey's parietal lobe is abstract thought is not as developed as Chandler would have like it to be.
- Joey didn't mathematically calculate the dimensions on the wall for the entertainment unit. He made the unit too long so Joey should have measured the wall and figured out exactly how long each board needs to be but Joey just assumed the size of the space and the unit didn't fit.
- In Joey's temporal lobe a didn't consult his memory.
- Joey should have thought about his past experiences and situations he has been through to realize that he usually doesn't think things through and because of that he finds himself in situations that are tricky to get out of. He should have known better then to assume things and should of actually gotten accurate information especially since he was working with power tools.
- In Joey's occipital lobe his receiving, interpreting, and discriminating of visual stimuli was not in check.
- Looking at the space available on the wall for the entertainment unit Joey didn't interpret the amount of space correctly. He thought the wall was bigger than it really was.
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